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Picture of giulia mura
Chester day 2
by giulia mura - Tuesday, 20 October 2015, 5:05 PM

Bicocca add the ppt of the presentation on student centered pedagogies in the Training section

Also in the Training section

  • a link to a Google doc on App and Websites is created. This doc will collect all usefull apps and websites that come up during the project. Partners are invited to update the file everytime they find something they consider interesting.
  • in  a new topic is possible to find a link to the Teachers' questionnaire and the Students' questionnaires. These are the proposed instruments for the evaluation of the impact of the project among the participants.

Partners upload a more defined version of the model and start working on the presentation of the project

Discusssion on useful apps start

Partecipants are invited to share their foto on the dropbox folder