
SCF is a no-profit organisation joining together 45 organisations managing about 100 VET centres distributed in 10 Italian regions. SCF works primarily to offer a representative support and an effective coordinating action to all its associates, with a specific interest on methodologies, evaluation, innovation and transfer of best practices.
SCF is recognised by the Ministry of Labour as a national training association. SCF is also registered to the National Register for Research Institutes and it is certified by CSQA under UNI EN ISO
9001:2008 standards. 
One of SCF main focus is innovation (of methodologies, tools, programmes etc.) and therefore it has been promoting, since its constitution, researches and projects aimed at developing, adapting, transferring new “solutions”. 


Formatech srl was set up in 1996 as technological heart of Fondazione Luigi Clerici, a no-profit institution that works in the field of VET and European projects. The company operates in the area of new technologies and carries out activities like design and development of software solutions, (mainly web-oriented) in addition to supporting companies with hosting and housing solutions. Formatech provides the following services: IT consulting; presentation of projects thanks to public grants; events, seminars, conferences; publishing services: manufacture and distribution of publications, including periodicals and audiovisual materials. Formatech also promotes economic and technological research and surveys. Its main clients are: the Local Administrations, for which Formatch designed the computer systems (Province of Milan, Lombardy Region, etc.); companies, in particular SMEs, which avail themselves of Formatech to obtain grants from Fondimpresa (Interprofessional Fund of Confindustria); training centers, among which there is also Suola Centrale di Formazione. Formatech provided them with blended training and e-learning solutions (e.g. distance courses focused on compulsory safety standards for workers). 


University of Milano-Bicocca is a young university, founded in 1998, which will continue growing, competing, promoting and producing science and culture in an ethical context. The University is young but has the ambition to be, in Italy and abroad, a reference point for innovation and cooperation between scientific research and industry. To achieve this we have a strong focus on young people. Milano-Bicocca is a multidisciplinary university with a teaching prospectus divided into bachelors, masters, doctoral degrees, and continuous education classes distributed in various fields: economics and statistics, law, science and technology, ICT, medicine and surgery, sociology, psychology and pedagogy. The orientation of the student is constant during the course of study with guidance and tutoring; furthermore job placements and internships help the graduate student find work and meet companies’ requirements in the most suitable way.


Coleg Cambria’s vision is to be: “An internationally recognised college of excellence.”As its Welsh name suggests, Coleg Cambria is committed to being a “college for Wales” and is one of the UK’s largest and most successful colleges. The college spans six campuses including 1000-acre farm, a state of the art animal care centre, two restaurants, a centre of excellence for engineering, a public art gallery and theatre. The college offers learning from pre-entry to HNC and foundation degree for a range of students including full time, work-based learners, apprentices and part time community learners. The College has embraced the use of mobile technology with full wireless access across all the sites, over 3,000 Google Chromebooks, and 400 Tablet devices. For the last 2 years, Coleg Cambria has won the Digital Learning Award for Wales, making it a leader in the use of digital technology to deliver and support learning and assessment. 


General Directorate of Education, Training and Educational Innovation is the management body responsible for the powers and functions that are attributed to the Galicia Government in the management of formal education in all its extension, levels and degrees, modalities and specialities. General Dictorate of Education, Vocational Training and Educational Innovation in the Council of Culture, Education and Education University Organization in Galicia is located in Santiago de Compostela and it manages more than 1000 educational centres in GaliciaCurrently the number of people who are working in the various departments of the general directorate is 92 people.


Innovative Educators Association is a non-profit organization and it has a great network, thanks to its strong relations with universities, international, local and regional authorities of education, the industry and VET sector, enterprises, schools of all levels and types.  The major aims of the association are providing better training and education opportunities for youth and adults using formal and non-formal education methods, following new trends and innovation in each area and building consortiums through EU projects to practice innovations.


T.C.M.B. Technical and Vocational High School is a public-state school is in Istanbul. Currently running education with around 1600 students (ages between 14-19), 102 teachers, one headmaster and 6 vice principles. Electrics-electronics, chemical processing , civil engineering and HVAC are main fields. Has a great network including stakeholders, private sector, industry, NGOs, other schools, vocational training centers, adult education centers, other types of organizations and decision-makers. In the "Lifelong Learning"  modular program yearly near 5000 adults are attending 60 hours certificate courses in the institution accredited by the Turkish Ministry of National Education. EU relations and international affairs are highly considered in the institution. 


The school started its education in 1943. It's still going on its full time education with 1050 students. There are 86 teachers (both vocational and branch teachers) in our school. There are 9 directors including principal. And 7 fields which are Information Technologies, Child Development and Education, Textile Technology, Clothing Manufacturing Technology, Photo and Graphics, Food Technology  and Chemical Technology. In addition, the school offers open high school education and kindergarden for practising. As the school hosts the most girl population in our city, it plays a major role in positive discrimination. The school realised several projects with local institutions and organizations and applied EU projects.


Apprentis d'auteuil is a Catholic foundation certified by the French State as promoting the public interest. It has been committed to helping young people in distress for almost 150 years in France and more than 20 years worldwide.
In France, AdA welcome, educate, train and insert more than 23,000 young people in distress and help them to gain confidence in themselves and in the adult world. It develop the individual talent and personal skills of each young person and help them to find their place both professionally and personally. AdA also believe that the family structure is central for young people so it works with more than 4.000 families in France. Apprentis d'Auteuil, believe it's essential to help these parents in distress to bring up their children. Internationally, AdA work with a network of partners to help more than 20.000 young people and families in distress in over 50 countries throughout the world.

Last modified: Monday, 12 November 2018, 1:00 PM